WHERE WE STAND: Information about released murderers, rapists, etc. should remain on state website.

New Jersey Department of Corrections

New Jersey Department of Corrections (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The state Department of Corrections last week removed the names, photos and descriptions of convicts who have been free for at least one year from the state’s inmate tracking websitehttps://www6.state.nj.us/DOC_Inmate/inmatesearch.jsp.

That altered a practice of nearly 10 years, in which the names and pictures of current and former state inmates had appeared on that website for anyone to view.

The listing also included the inmate’s date of birth, the nature of the offense and the county in which it occurred, the length of the sentence and the dates on which the inmate was incarcerated and released.

Corrections officials said they had been receiving a number of complaints from ex-cons that their presence on the website was making it harder for them to find jobs.

We have a certain amount of sympathy for their plight. Consider that the goal of incarceration, besides punishment, is to reform criminals and have them become productive, law-abiding members of society after they have finished their terms. A ex-convict who cannot get a job is more likely to become desperate and angry and return to committing crimes.

All that said, we don’t believe the argument about trouble in getting hired should carry the day for those convicted of the most serious crimes — murder, armed robbery, aggravated assault, etc. — and for repeat offenders.

Those who have served relatively short amounts of time for lesser nonviolent crimes don’t need to be lumped together with kidnappers, murderers and serial criminals who employers should want to know more about. After all, an employer has to consider his or her own safety and the safety of other employees.

So we believe a proper balance should be struck between the civil rights of those who have paid their debt to society and public safety. It’s really not much different than the provisions of Megan’s Law and making sure that people can learn about released sex offenders who might live or work near them. Those whose crimes are of a certain severity just don’t get the benefit of the doubt of being able to disappear entirely from the Department of Corrections website.

Gov. Chris Christie and lawmakers concerned about the general welfare of the public should exert what pressure they can on the Department of Corrections to develop a common-sense plan that, at the very least, differentiates between lifelong, hardened criminals and those convicted of minor offenses when determining whose picture and information stays on the website permanently and whose disappears after a year. It can be done.

Source:  Courier-Post OnLine

State Department of Corrections = New Jersey Department of Corrections


In Honor Of Michael

The unexpected knock at the door.
The crashing sound in the middle of the night.
The phone call from the man who make threats.
The car following every turn.
 The internet stalkers that posts lies and put life and limb in jeopardy.
The websites that list address, photos and details which in turn invites vigilantes to vandalize, attack, beat and kill.

Every day people live in fear. Fear of being beaten, having their home, vehicles or other property vandalized; even to the point of fearing for their very lives. What country could this describe? What could be causing this kind of anguish? Is their reason to fear, real?


The country, the United States of America. The cause, The Sex Offender Registry and subsequent vigilante actions. Is there reason to fear? Yes!
Vandalism, and stalking are daily occurrences for former offenders, their spouses, family and friends. In one place or another, beatings occur several times a month and even murders happen far to often.
For those who are registered, their spouses, family and friends, the fear of vigilante attacks are a constant worry. A quick search of the internet will bring up such stories as: ‘Sex offender’s pizza shop vandalized’, ‘Two sex offenders shot dead in Clallam County’, ‘Sex Offenders murdered in Maine’, ‘Sex Offender murdered, body burned’, ‘Proposed House For Sex Offenders Vandalized’, ‘Parents of Convicted Sex Offender Had Their House Vandalized’, ‘Rosewood Drive Sex offender’s home vandalized, seven cars also spray-painted in large, white lettering’ ‘Registered Sex Offender beaten’, ‘Wife of Sex Offender killed in arson fire, registry to blame, murder charges pending.’ And on and on.
The original intent of the registry, ‘to protect children’ has failed. Several studies have brought this fact to the fore-front. However, the unintended consequences of the registry are all too real. The Registry is directly responsible for murder, vandalism and a whole slew of other hate crimes.
Registered offenders, their spouses, families and friend form a disadvantaged group that is unprotected by many of the laws shielding other citizens from vigilante attacks. True, the laws seem to be written in a way that they should protect these disenfranchised members of society, however, when an registrant calls and reports a crime such as vandalism, the response they receive from Law Enforcement is less than encouraging as sometimes the police won’t even bother to make out a report.
Since 2003 there has been a sharp increase in the number of vigilante attacks of registrants.
An uniformed or apathetic public, media, and legislators are a major root of the problem. While vigilante elements fill the internet with misinformation and outright lies about registrants, the media continues to perpetuate misinformation and lies. Even in the face of reports that prove conclusively that former offenders are less likely to reoffend than other classes of criminals, the media, some political leaders and vigilante elements continue to promote skewed statistics and data.
At the same time, however, some government officials are coming to learn the hard truth, that they themselves were lied to. Some of these courageous people are setting aside strong personal feelings and prejudice and they are digging into the subject and finding something surprising. Not all sex offenders are the same and only a small percentage fall into the clinical category of being a true predator. Current registry laws, including the daftly constructed AWA, fail to properly identify with any accuracy those former offenders who pose a definitive risk to public safety. The cost of the registry is also escalating. Many locations are struggling with an ever increasing workload due to the estimated 8.5% annual expansion of the registry.
After doing research into the above facts and many others not mentioned, many who are in public office have come to realize that the registry was a bad, costly, ineffective idea. These officials will affirm that they feel that the public registry should be terminated, however they will say this only in private. The fear of reprisals from the public (votes) is too great for them to take a stand and do something that will, eventually, come to pass.
So the question becomes this, how long will the courts and the government allow the murder and terrorizing of United States Citizens (registrants), their spouses, family and their friends?
Is there a way for those in office to move towards deregistering American Citizens? Yes, It starts with two important elements; 1. Run Public Service Announcements which present easy to understand facts taken from government sponsored studies regarding; recidivism rates of registrants, the ineffectiveness of the registry and  the growing cost of the registry. This will expose the public to the facts and an informed public will come to the right conclusions, in time.  3. Criminalize vigilante activities against former offenders both online and in the real world. Give former offenders the same protections that gays, Blacks and Jews now enjoy. Add Sex Offenders to the list of hate crime protectees.
Only then will registrants, their spouses, families and friends find security in ‘the land of the free’.
If you agree with this article, please take the time to copy send it to the legislators in your state or anyone else you see fit. We must demand equal protection under the law. If we don’t speak up, how can they ever hear us?


Source:  SOSEN.org

Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry


centre (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“The Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (CHRUSP) provides strategic leadership in human rights advocacy, implementation and monitoring relevant to people experiencing madness, mental health problems, or trauma. In particular, CHRUSP works for full legal capacity for all, an end to forced drugging, forced electroshock and psychiatric incarceration, and for support that respects individual integrity and free will.”


Source:  http://www.madinamerica.com/2012/08/center-for-the-human-rights-of-users-and-survivors-of-psychiatry/

Florida failing neglected and abused children, report says

A nationwide study of state policies governing legal proceedings for  abused and neglected children resulted in an “F” for Florida and nine  other states. (My thoughts:  This is one of the toughest states on sex offenders, yet FAILS to protect their children from abuse and neglect!  Start spending your time, effort and taxpayer money to protect the children from real harm instead of from sex offenders, which have one of the lowest recidivisim rates, other than murderers.)

The report titled A Child‘s Right to Counsel: A National Report Card on Legal Representation  for Abused and Neglected Children  was released today by First Star, a  national organization working to  improve the lives of abused and  neglected children, and the Children’s  Advocacy Institute at the University of  San Diego Law School. It graded  each state and the District of  Columbia on dependency court procedures  and the type of legal representation children received.

Florida received low marks in several categories because state law  does not require an attorney to be appointed to represent children in  dependency proceedings. The state’s guardian ad litem program allows  non-attorneys to service in this capacity. Florida scored a 55 out of  100 possible points.

Click here to Download the Florida Report

  • 3 states earned A+’s: Connecticut, Massachusetts and  Oklahoma;
  • 12 states earned A’s: Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland,   Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Texas, Vermont, and  West  Virginia;
  • 11 states earned B’s: Arkansas, California, District of  Columbia,  Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,   Tennessee, Virginia, and Wyoming
  • 9 states earned C’s: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado,  Minnesota, Nebraska, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, and Wisconsin
  • 6 states earned D’s: Alaska, Georgia, Illinois,  Kentucky, Nevada, and South Carolina
  • 10 states earned F’s: Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho,  Indiana, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Washington

The two organizations are hopeful that the report leads to stronger federal and state laws, according to a news release.

“In  the U.S., the right to counsel is guaranteed to everyone accused  of breaking the  law – including parents and other caregivers accused  of child abuse and  neglect,” said Elissa T. Garr, Executive Director of  First Star. “Yet the abused  and neglected children in these cases, who  are the least able to advocate for  themselves, are not guaranteed  counsel. It is tragic that in many states across  the country, when  judicial decisions are being made that will impact every facet  of these  children’s lives, the right to counsel is not guaranteed to the victims   of that abuse and neglect.”

Source:  http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/the-buzz-florida-politics/content/florida-failing-neglected-and-abused-children-report-says

The US House has passed the Adam Walsh Reauthorization ACt of 2012, and two other bills

House of Representatives and central dome, Uni...

House of Representatives and central dome, United States Capitol, Washington D. C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

8-2-2012 Washington DC AFTERNOON:

The U.S. House has considered the three bills we were all concerned about on 7-31-2012 (w/Amendments) and again on 8-1-2012 which I am about to tell folks about.

Apparently on 7-31 most lawmakers had already gone home so there were not enough of them left to form a Quorum (2/3 rds of the members, needed to pass a bill), so thyey brought the bills up again on 8-1-2012 and all passed as amended (amendments to AWA HR-3796 I earlier described HERE).

The House record for 8-1-2012 each bill (nos. #77 #80 and #82) ends as follows:

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The unfinished business is the question on suspending the rules and passing the bill (nos & titles inserted here) …
The Clerk read the title of the bill.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Smith) that the House suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended.
The question was taken; and (two-thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the bill, as amended, was passed.
A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.
There it is folks, “suspend the rules” and “voice vote” (see actual bills for proof of this) so no one can see who voted and how, then their constituents cannot pick at them. i.e., another form of Behind Closed Doors (Using methods to prevent the public from knowing who said or did, what).

So the bills now go on to the Senate.

Now is the time to STEP UP the pressures. Folks need to WRITE letters, and CALL ALL the Senators‘ offices; write multiple letters each telling a different reason why the Adam Walsh Act (HR-3796) should not pass (be civil). The Child Protection Act (HR-6063) also contains some bad, if not illegal language (See Rep. Scott’s comments on 7-31-2012), this too should not pass into law. As for the Byrne Grant bill (HR 6062), well I have no problems with that one, there are bad guys out there who need to be taken down.

If you have forgotten the easy procedure for writing letters, it is HERE and to find Senators PHONE numbers that is HERE.

Thats all for today. For now have a great day and a better tomorrow.

PS: A few folks have asked what some of the strange terms used by Lawmakers, mean: See Glossary HERE. The old glossary which I think is better, is HERE, but it is no longer updated and I don’t know if there are changes to it. Now there is one other, see HERE this gets into other phrases used around DC. All in all, you’ll find an answer in one of them.